
Jesse Eisenberg Tells Off Anti-Gay Protesters at London Pride Parade

Jesse Eisenberg is currently in London, performing in the play The Spoils, which he also penned. His West End debut happens to coincide with London’s LGBT Pride Festival. As a recently posted YouTube video shows, Eisenberg was walking his bike along the parade route when he came across a group of about a dozen protesters, holding up signs with bible quotes, while a man on a microphone preached anti-LGBT sentiments.

Eisenberg shook his head several times at the scene before him. When one of the protesters offered him a pamphlet, Eisenberg shook his head again. When the protester repeatedly asked him “Is your mind closed?” Eisenberg finally spoke.

“Is my mind closed? Dude, that’s so fucked up,” he said, and wheeled his bike away. In an interview with the Guardian released this weekend, Eisenberg told the publication that he was raised to support social issues.

“It was totally understood, growing up, that we should support people who are struggling,” he explained. “This was not debatable.”

Jesse Eisenberg Tells Off Anti-Gay Protesters