Prepare to Enter Your Thirty Flirties with Aparna Nancherla and Jo Firestone’s Handy Tips

Here’s the latest episode of Aparna Nancherla and Jo Firestone’s web series Womanhood, where the two discuss all the fears, problems, and bodily changes young women can expect as they leave their 20s behind and enter their 30s AKA “dirty thirties” AKA “thirty flirties” AKA “turkey thirties.” As Firestone points out, this new decade of your life has its good sides and bad sides: “So there’s gonna be a lot of things that are gonna go wrong with your body … Your scent is gonna change. First it was more of a fresh mountain, and now it’s kind of more of an attic. But you can fit most of your torso in your underpants!”

Prepare to Enter Your Thirty Flirties with Aparna […]