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Chris Evans in Talks to Play Jekyll; Chris Evans Also in Talks to Play Hyde

The Cinema Society With Audi & FIJI Host A Screening Of Marvel's
Photo: Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images

It looks like you can only star alongside the Hulk for so long before you get a little green yourself: Chris Evans, he of the Captain America even-keel, is in talks for the lead role(s) in Jekyll. According to Deadline, Lionsgate is using the 2007 Steven Moffat–penned BBC miniseries as the basis for its take on Robert Louis Stevenson’s novella. That project wasn’t a straight adaptation, instead centering around “a modern-day descendant of Jekyll” named Tom Jackman (presumable Hyde stand-in: Jack Tomman) “who is beginning to exhibit the trademark split personality.” Anthony Bagarozzi and Charles Mondry have written a script for Jekyll, though no director is presently attached. The movie introduces a classic Armageddon/Deep Impact quandary for the public-domain-residing character, as Russell Crowe is already set to play the moody dude in Tom Cruise’s The Mummy before ideally reprising him in his own film. Of course, between Evans and Crowe, Vulture remains studiously impartial as ever when it comes to discerning the more natural choice for the part.

Chris Evans in Talks to Play Jekyll