An Occult Ritual Has Begun in This Exclusive Clip From A Dark Song


A Dark Song is a movie best entered into with minimal explanation beforehand, but here’s the briefest of summaries: A woman who has lost her child is willing to turn over everything she has to a reclusive occultist if it means he can connect her with her son’s spirit once more. It’s a tense, nerve-racking exercise that brings up issues of heaven and hell, faith and hopelessness, and consent and grief all rolled into a (mostly) quiet little package. The rites required to breach dimensions are long and arduous, and in this scene we see the mother (Catherine Walker) and her guide (Steve Oram) as they hash out whether or not their rituals are starting to yield results. A Dark Song opens in theaters this weekend.

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An Occult Ritual Has Begun in This Clip From A Dark Song