unlikely pairs

Bill Clinton Honors Longtime Pal Sarah McLachlan at the Juno Music Awards

Sarah’s BFF. Photo: Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images

Did you know Bill Clinton and Sarah McLachlan are longtime friends? Take a minute to sit with that. Close your eyes. Picture Bill and Hillary and Sarah hiking the trails in Chappaqua. Imagine Bill, later, at home in Chappaqua, flipping the channels and seeing that ASPCA commercial and adopting like 20 Labradors. Okay, now we can move on.

Sunday night at the Juno Awards (Canada’s music awards, eh?) former president Clinton appeared via video to introduce a career retrospective for McLachlan. Was “Angel” playing? Did someone adopt Bill Clinton during the video? No way to know. But he did call McLachlan’s music a “gift” for him. Canadian artist McLachlan then gave a somewhat politically charged speech that “prized diversity and politeness over division and hatred,” according to The Hollywood Reporter. “We Canadians are far from perfect, but we have a lot to offer to the rest of the world,” she said.

How did Bill and Sarah meet? How often do they hang out? And will he ever play saxophone on one of her truly sad songs? Seems like we’re building a mystery.

Bill Clinton Honors Sarah McLachlan at Juno Music Awards