
Saturday Night Live’s Secret Weapon Julio Torres Makes His Late-Night Stand-up Debut; Does a Good Job Being Funny

You might not know Julio Torres’s name (yet), but you know his work. Torres is responsible of some of the best SNL sketches of the year: “The Princess and the Curse,” “Through Donald’s Eyes,” “The Sink,” “Melania Moments,” “Diego Calls His Mom,” and, maybe the best sketch of the season, “Wells for Boys.” It’s rare for a first-season writer like Torres to not only get so many sketches on the show, but for them to all feel like they have a singular voice. That voice was on full display last night, as Torres made his late-night stand-up debut on Late Night With Seth Meyers. His set was as wonderful, hilarious, and gentle as you’d expect. It’s a nice set of comedy and it’s nice that he didn’t have to go far to tape it. SNL does do a show a week, after all.

SNL’s Secret Weapon Makes His Late-Night Stand-up Debut