Anthony Atamanuik’s Trump Gets Some TV Time During His International Trip on ‘The President Show’

Here’s a clip from last night’s President Show, where Anthony Atamanuik’s Trump gets a break during his international trip to catch up on his favorite news channels in a segment called “Screaming at the TV.” Unfortunately for Trump, news anchors back home aren’t saying many nice things about him, his trip, or his policies while he’s been away, and when it comes to the recent incident on CNN where Anderson Cooper told frequent commentator/Trump defender Jeffrey Lord that he’d defend Trump even if he took a dump on his desk, Atamanuik’s Trump offers the only reasonable response: “No, no, no, no, no.  Nice try, Anderson Cooper. Jeffrey Lord is a dump I took on my desk. You’re the one who put that piece of shit on the air. That’s on you, CNN.”

Anthony Atamanuik’s Trump Gets Some TV Time During His […]