last night on late night

Seth Meyers Finally Just Says That Trump Is Stupid

Yesterday, the president admitted that he lied to Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau during a meeting, which left many news outlets trying to figure out just what the hell was going on. But Seth Meyers decided to stop beating around the bush and put forward a simple conclusion: Trump might just really be that stupid. “In fairness, ‘I lied because I’m stupid’ is the truest thing Trump has ever said,” Meyers jokes. He also called out some other dubious statements made by the commander-in-chief recently, from a mysterious bowling ball test he appears to have made up, to appointing a TV pundit who denied the existence of the recession to head the National Economic Council. All this foolishness brings Meyers to his final note, addressed to Special Counsel Robert Mueller, saying that even after his subpoena to the Trump Organization the investigation feels like “watching a porno in real time, All right I ordered the pizza and now … we wait.” At least in porn the actors are more convincing.

Seth Meyers Finally Just Says That Trump Is Stupid