last night on late night

Dr. Evil Is the Latest Trump Cabinet Member to Be Fired on Tonight Show

President Donald Trump’s administration has been seeing a lot of staff departures lately, but it’s still pretty surprising that POTUS would decide to fire (fictional) Cabinet member Dr. Evil (Mike Myers). After all, as the Austin Powers villain explains on The Tonight Show, he’s an “ideas guy” — he takes credit for dreaming up “Space Force” and the wall, even if his version of the 40-feet tall wall was more of a deep ditch filled with water and spiky fish. During his tenure, the disgruntled former public servant claims he got along well with HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson, mostly for evil-doctor and expensive-chair reasons, though he was less enthused about Don Jr. “That guy’s creepy AF,” Dr. Evil said of Trump’s eldest heir. “He looks like he’s missing a facial feature. You just don’t know which one.”

Fired Trump Official Dr. Evil Reveals All on Tonight Show