
Can You Guess the Name of Jennifer Lawrence’s New Boyfriend?

Photo: Steve Granitz/WireImage

According to “Page Six,” Jennifer Lawrence has a “new secret boyfriend” who is a “dashing New York art gallerist” and is not Darren Aronofsky.

The two were reportedly introduced by Lawrence’s friend Laura Simpson, and have been seeing each other for a few weeks, but “have been very private and careful not to be seen together.” Lawrence’s new man friend works at New York’s Gladstone Gallery, and previously worked at the famous Gagosian Gallery. Can you guess what his name is? It’s one of the ones below. Read on for the answer, or just close your eyes, place a hand on your chest, and wait for the answer to warm your heart.

• Jet McGinty
• Gunther Steele
• Salem Spaniel
• Cooke Maroney
• Damon O’Shanahan
• Skip Andres
• Clinton Deerhorn
• Arnie Torchmore
• Hanson McDuff
• Pete Yonderspring
• Quentin Derby
• Booker Herringbone

Do you know who it is? Take your time.

It’s Cooke Maroney. Congratulations to Jennifer and her boyfriend, Cooke Maroney.

Can You Guess the Name of Jennifer Lawrence’s New Boyfriend?