oscars 2019

Julia Roberts Closes the Oscars With a Shout-out to Bradley Cooper’s Mom

Overall, the only downside of this year’s hostless Oscars that we could clock came at the very end of the evening. Since there was no one to officially close out the 91st Academy Awards, Best Picture presenter Julia Roberts had to wrap things up by, well, saying it’s time to wrap things up.

“That wraps up the 91st Academy Awards,” Roberts said as the orchestra played and (presumably) everyone got their swag bags from under their chairs and filed toward the exits.

On the flip side, Julia Roberts got to end this year’s Oscars however she wanted, which in this case meant a sweet good-bye to her children and, of course, a shout-out to Bradley Cooper’s mom Gloria Campano. “I would like to say congratulations to all the nominees, and goodnight to Bradley Cooper’s mother and my children,” Julia said, gesturing (again presumably) to Gloria in the audience. “And thank you for watching!” It’s no Oscar, but if you ask our moms, Julia Roberts saying goodnight to you is just as good, maybe even better, than any statuette.

Julia Roberts Ends Oscars With Bradley Cooper Mom Shout-out