last night on late night

John Oliver Begrudgingly Shares the Exact Birthday As John Cena

It’s amazing what late-night hosts can discover about their guests when they aren’t retreading Vulture interviews about mascots. John Oliver swung by The Late Show on Tuesday for a cute miscellaneous interview of sorts, saying that it was “a bold thing” for America to allow the Super Bowl and Tom Brady’s chiseled-by-vegan body to go on during a pandemic. (And, no, he’s not going to “drink an amount of water that’s technically drowning every day” to get Brady’s physique.) Even more distressing for Oliver, though? He’s the same age as John Cena, and he’d really prefer if you didn’t remind him of that. “We were born on the exact same day, the exact same year,” Oliver explained. “Two babies in different counties who very much biologically chose to go in different directions. I think of John Cena every birthday now, specifically thinking, I’m not just one step closer to death, I’m about 20 steps closer to death than he is.” At least Cena doesn’t have his very own void.

John Oliver Begrudgingly Shares Exact Birthday As John Cena