veggie tales

John Oliver Marries a Cabbage

Last Week Tonight is celebrating! Host John Oliver married a vegetable, specifically a cabbage, during a super-small wedding ceremony, officiated by Steve Buscemi, in the August 28 episode. But there’s more to this tale than meets the eye. Pre-wedding, Oliver discusses the AI meme machine DALL-E as well as a select few of his new favorite images, including a roast-beef superhero, Judi Dench fighting a centaur on the moon, and a goose doing Pilates. He also noted several John Oliver–specific prompts from the AI, like “John Oliver in a Victorian-era dress,” “John Oliver busting out of a can of Del Monte green beans,” “John Oliver commanding a horde of elves to charge a potato,” and, a personal favorite, Oliver as Mona Lisa. But as he continued down the line of AI-generated images of himself, tragedy struck: One DALL-E user, @Margaret, inputted a love story between Oliver and, yes, a cabbage. It went something like this: They fell in love, got married, but then Oliver got hungry and ate the cabbage and was forced to pour the cabbage’s ashes into the ocean. SAD! However, as Oliver notes in the visuals for the text (“John Oliver and the cabbage are getting married!”), what is depicted is … not that. Instead, it shows him marrying a woman who is holding a deformed cabbage. “Such a shame!” Oliver says. “This story deserved better! We all deserved better!” What follows is two and a half minutes of Oliver’s marriage to a cabbage and a little too much kissing.

John Oliver Marries a Cabbage