the lost tárk

In a Way, Indiana Jones Is an AncesTÁR

Here’s another fun fact to add to our list: Lydia Tár might never have existed without Indiana Jones. In a recent interview with IndieWire, Tár director Todd Field credited Steven Spielberg’s Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark for inspiring his love of movies. “It started for me in high school,” Field said. “I had a job at a second-run movie house, so we would run certain films for up to six months. I projected Raiders of Lost Ark literally, like, 350 times. So I fell in love with movies then.” Field previously gave Uproxx an even higher estimate, claiming that he’s seen the 1981 action-adventure movie “no less than 400 times” and knows every cut in it. Interestingly enough, Tár’s Cate Blanchett and Julian Glover have both starred in the Indiana Jones-verse — Blanchett played Irina Spalko in Spielberg’s Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, while Glover played Walter Donovan in Spielberg’s Last Crusade. In a way, it looks like Indiana Jones is an ancestor to Tár. An ancestár? We can kind of see a family resemblance if we imagine trading Lydia’s conducting baton in for a whip.

In a Way, Indiana Jones Is an AncesTÁR