election 2020

Real Time With Bill Maher Calls the Election Because the Networks Won’t

Last night on Real Time With Bill Maher, HBO proved that it really isn’t like the other networks, and not just because they’re allowed to show swears and penises. During his opening monologue, Maher did what the other networks won’t and called the election for Joe Biden and the Democrats, because “the networks are too chickenshit to call it.” Maher celebrated Biden’s current electoral and popular-vote lead with balloons and fanfare, saying he looks forward to Donald Trump being removed from the White House: “For the first time, he’s on the other end of an eviction notice.” It’s the monologue Maher’s been preparing for since the first day of Trump’s presidency, and it’s worth a watch because happy-smug Maher is always more fun than angry-smug Maher.

Real Time With Bill Maher Calls the Election for Biden