1. oscars 2013
    Watch Vulture’s Les Misérables Awards-Show Pronunciation GuideListen to and read along with the many ways the film’s title was said at this year’s awards shows.
  2. acting faces
    See Jason Bateman’s Four Go-To Comedy Moves in GIF FormThere should be a Best Supporting Eyebrows award.
  3. emmys 2012
    Watch Breaking Bad’s Walter Jr’s Emmy Video DiaryThe show might not have won best drama, but that doesn’t mean the cast didn’t have a good time.
  4. reaction shots
    Watch Angela Chase React to Claire Danes’s Cursing on HomelandDanes’s My So-Called Life character is shocked and a little intrigued by her Homeland character’s foul mouth.
  5. yelling
    A Vulture Tribute to Charlie Day’s Best It’s Always Sunny ScreamingVulture salutes Charlie’s achievements in senseless screaming.
  6. explanations
    Brother’s Lee Newell Explains the Principles of Effective Stage Banter“What makes good stage banter? Mainly, me.”