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Line Readings

  1. line readings
    This Line From Do Revenge Makes Me Wonder If I Even Know What Cocaine Looks LikeIn which the sound of Sophie Turner screaming about cocaine spelunks the cavernous depths of my mind.
  2. hunter’s line readings
    This One Line From Jackie Plays on a Loop in My HeadThe words are mutilated in Peter Sarsgaard’s mouth, by Peter Sarsgaard’s tongue.
  3. hunter’s line readings
    This One Line From The Social Network Plays on a Loop in My HeadIn memory of the f- -k Armie Hammer couldn’t give.
  4. hunter’s line readings
    This One Line From Closer Plays on a Loop in My HeadI wish I could say such a thing, so sexy, so faux clever! It sets all my synapses ablaze.
  5. hunter’s line readings
    This One Pirates of the Caribbean Line Plays on a Loop in My HeadWe’re not one nation under God, we’re one nation under this Geoffrey Rush quote.
  6. way too close reads
    Is Selena Gomez’s New Album Rare About Justin Bieber or the Weeknd?An overdramatic lyric analysis.
  7. hunter’s line readings
    This One Marriage Story Line Plays on a Loop in My HeadImagine opening your mouth, twisting your lips, and saying such a thing. It’s nuts!
  8. line readings
    Claire Foy Yells ‘a Bunch of Boys’ in First Man and It’s All I Can Think AboutIn First Man.