Displaying all articles tagged:


  1. representation
    Gina Rodriguez Calls Latino Underrepresentation in Film ‘Heartbreaking’“The underrepresentation of Latinos in Hollywood both on and off screen is not just a feeling; it’s a sad reality.”
  2. #movementmondays
    Rodriguez Launches Movement Mondays for Latinos“Let us use our numbers and powerful voices to prove we support one another … to prove they need to support all the various Latino cultures in the media.”
  3. candy
    Tina Fey Plays ‘LaTina Fey’ With Billy EichnerAway. We. Go.
  4. sound and visions
    The Future of Movies Will Be More LatinoHollywood will have to ride the demographic wave.
  5. disney princesses
    Disney’s First ‘Latina Princess’ Is Not Latina Enough for SomeHer mother, the queen, is “Spanish,” so technically …